10 Mar Yin Yoga for Deep Rest – Yin Yoga Lullabies
In western society it is very common to find disturbances of the mind and or Ethereal soul due to the pace and stress we intake as “normal”.
While treating insomnia is something that goes way beyond the scope of any one yoga post, pose or cup of warm golden milk: I hope to provide here a short and easy yin yoga recipe to help you get some Z’s.
My reference point for the sequence is based on yogāsana in relation to TCM, āyurveda, myofascial pathways and energetic currents of the body.
TCM usually considers the heart & liver meridians amongst other energy channels as culprits of insomnia while āyurveda will normally aim at pacifying vata for rest and overall health.
1. OPEN WINGS to stimulate the front sheath of the upper body through where the heart meridian runs. Also, to help ease the diaphragm and calm the breath without going into a backbend that can aggravate vata from the Ayurvedic energy body realm perspective.
2min per side.
2. BUTTERFLY WITH CLOSED WINGS will stimulate through the arm position both the fire element pair (heart/ yin and small intestine/ yang) while targeting in the lower body the adductor muscles where the liver meridians run through.
2 min per side.
3. TWISTED ROOTS to help tone the stomach, spleen, kidneys, and gall bladder meridians. Sometimes also accountable for insomnia in TCM.
2 min per side.
4. śAVĀSANA because one of the best remedies for insomnia, stress and dis-ease is apropriate movement followed by rest.
Yin Yoga Lullabies sequences are a part of the self-care for yoga teachers module in the online Yoga Teacher Mentoring program.