Courses Archive - Kathy Páez Yoga
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Welcome to Yang Yoga: Beyond Sun Salutations and Standard Alignment Cues! This course primarily features recorded & livestream sessions. You will find the course manual below, and all livestream recordings will be uploaded within 24 hours of each session. Your pre-recorded material consists of two Yin Yang...

Welcome to a four-part series on Lesser-known Yin Yoga variations. The workshops included are: Lesser-Known Yin Yoga Variations without props, Adapting Yin Yoga for Pregnancy with Tahnee Taylor, Lesser-Known Yin Yoga Variations at the wall and Functional Yin Yang Yoga: Infant series. The last two...

Nov 17 – Nov 19 Find the recordings uploaded below. Dec 8 – 10 more details and material to print will be uploaded one week before the start date. Jan 12 – 14 more details and material to print will be uploaded one week before the start date....

Welcome to the full four-part series on Lesser-known Yin Yoga variations for YOUR: body, spine, hips and shoulders. This 8h course is a series of 4 recorded workshops in which you will learn rarer seen Yin Yoga poses, with and without props. This starts with...

Welcome. This training is the recorded version of the live streaming Teacher training held March 28 - April 3. The link of each day will be the same and is on the first lesson provided under title Logistics. You will find the material divided into 7 days days in...

A 5 day course to get in the driver seat of your yoga āsana poses. Understand how to adapt the poses to your body. Shift perspectives on how you think yoga and not just Yin poses should be done. INCLUDED • 5 - 7minute educational videos on anatomy focusing...

Slow Sunday. These are four 75-minute classes with Kathy Páez (assistant to Functional Yin Yoga Founder, Paul Grilley) and Susan Rae (certified functional Yin yoga teacher). Covering the functional approach to Yin asana with anatomical or energetic themes....

Bienvenid@s a la pre-formación de Yin Yoga. Estos videos son una introducción de la visión del Yin Yoga a través del mandalasana (asiento, alas y columna) y el método funcional (método de Paul y Suzee Grilley). Los videos provienen de la formación online, La Semilla del Yin...